Panorama Survey

January 6, 2023

Dear Port Washington School District Community,

Last spring, we administered the first set of Panorama surveys to our students (grades 3-12), staff and parents. The results of these surveys provided us with important information about different aspects of our district. Some of the results of the survey can be found in the State of the District Presentation given in November (see 

We are now prepared for the second administration of the Panorama surveys. Once again, we ask for your full participation in this important initiative. The survey window will be open from Monday, January 9th through Monday, January 23rd. The surveys should take between 15 and 25 minutes to complete. Although the surveys will be sent via email or accessed through student identification numbers, responses are anonymous.

At the beginning of the survey, there will be an option for a Spanish-language version. The surveys are available only in a digital format, and they must be completed in one sitting. 

Staff Survey

Staff members will receive an email on Monday, January 9th, with a link to the survey. There are two sub-surveys that have been created—one for instructional personnel and one for those not directly working in the classroom.  Your email will direct you to the one suitable for your title.

Parent Survey

Parents will receive an email on Monday, January 9th, with a link to the survey and their unique access code. Each parent connected to a household can complete the survey. Parents will also receive a text message through our Edlio platform that the surveys have been sent.  Parents for whom we do not have an accurate email address (fewer than 5% of our parents), can contact Karen Whitely ([email protected]) for a link to the survey and their access code.  

Student Survey

Students in grades 3-12 will complete their surveys in class during the two-week administration period. Building principals are working with teachers to determine a schedule for administering these surveys (one for students in grades 3-5 and a separate one for students in grades 6-12). Teachers will direct students to where they will need to enter their access code (their student ID number) to complete their survey. 

Thank you for your participation in both taking and administering these surveys.  I look forward to sharing the information with the district and community some time towards the end of this school year.


Thank you,

Michael J. Hynes, Ed.D

Superintendent of Schools