Philosophically, Schreiber High School believes that the best way for students to obtain assistance with their school work is through seeing their teacher for extra help. To learn more about student extra help please visit the Extra Help section of the web site.
Some students find they benefit from one on one work with a student tutor. The academic honor societies in each subject area discipline do provide connections to student tutors.
The list of Honor Societies and their advisors is as follows:
National Honor Society - Mr. Jeremy Klaff
Foreign Language Honor Society - Mrs. Carol Ferrante
English Honor Society - Ms. Eileen Mills
Math Honor Society - Mr. Anthony Tedesco
Tri M Music Honor Society - Mr. Shane Helfner
Students should speak to their guidance counselors, or the advisors of the honor society in that area, in order to make a connection with a student tutor.
Occasionally, parents may seek the assistance of a teacher to tutor their child. Please conatct your child's guidance counselor to discuss this if you feel it is needed. Please note that by policy our staff is not allowed to tutor their own students.