Ms. Kristen Anisis, Class of 2027 » Class of 2027 - Freshman Welcome Letter

Class of 2027 - Freshman Welcome Letter


August 2023


Dear Freshman:


As the Fall is drawing near, it is time to prepare for your first school year as a high school student.  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Schreiber High School.  I hope you had a memorable and productive Summer, and I am looking forward to meeting you in the coming weeks.  As a freshman, you are entering a new learning environment, which can be both exciting and overwhelming. This year, it is important for you to familiarize yourself with the day to day routines at the high school, get to know your teachers, and engage in the broad spectrum of fun activities Schreiber has to offer.  You should focus on your academics, but also get involved in the various sports, clubs, and activities offered here.  Now is your time to explore your interests and all that Schreiber has to offer.  I look forward to celebrating your successes throughout the school year.  Please feel free to stop by my office (located in the main office) at any time to ask a question, discuss an issue, or to simply talk.  As your assistant principal, I will be working with your class the entire time you are at the high school.  I am here to support you!


On Tuesday, September 5th, please report to the room listed below at 8:00 AM for a special organizational period to kick off the new school year.  Be sure to come prepared for a full day of classes with your schedule, a notebook, pen and pencil.  You will receive a copy of the special A day schedule.  Following the organizational period, you will attend your regularly scheduled classes for Day A.

Room # Student Last Name Room # Student Last Name
18 A-As   40 Lo-Mi
21 Ba-By 42 Mu-Pa
23 Ca-Co  130 Pe-Re
30 Cr-Es 131 Ri-Ru
31 Ey-Fu 134 Sa-Sh
34 Ga-Gu 135 Si-Tak
35 Ha-Jo 136 Tan-Vi
36 Ju-Ku  138 Vo-Zu
39 La-Li    


STUDENT HANDBOOK:Handbooks:   The student handbook is online so that you can find information easily.  Please review it carefully as you are responsible for the information contained in the document.  You can find the handbook under the “parents and students” tab.  Here is the link: STUDENT HANDBOOK

LOCKERS AND LOCKS: If you attend the Bagels & Locks Orientation Event on August 30th, you will receive your locker assignment and combination.  If you are unable to attend, be sure to see Mrs. Balaban in the Main Office to receive this information.  You may not change your locker without permission.  Remember, the person(s) assigned to the locker is legally responsible for its contents, so do not share your combination with others and keep it locked at all times.  The cost for replacement lock is $5.00. Please see Mrs. Balaban in the Main Office during a free period if you lose your combination or if you have any problems with your locker.


ATTENDANCE: School begins at 8:05 AM each day, and classes end at 3:05 PM.  Attendance is taken during first period.  In order to be in your first period class on time, you should arrive at school no later than 8:00 AM.  

  • All calls for absences and latenesses must be received on the day of the occurrence.  All medical absences must be accompanied by a note from the doctor’s office. 
  • If you arrive after 8:15 AM for first period, you must sign in at my office before going to class.  Repeated lateness to class or failure to sign in may result in disciplinary action.
  • If you arrive any time after first period, you must immediately report to my office to sign-in.  Your parent should also call the Freshman attendance office at 767-5832 to indicate the reason for your lateness. 
  • If you must leave school early, you are required to sign out in my office before leaving the building.  A parent call or note is required in advance for all sign-outs.


Parents and students should be aware that classes missed when signing in late or signing out early apply towards the 85% rule.  Additionally, a student who signs in after 11:25 AM may be excluded from participating in extracurricular activities for the day (see Student Handbook).  


STUDENT LUNCH: Every student has a lunch period every day.  If there are no seats available in the cafeteria, additional seating is available during lunch periods at the picnic tables in front of the school building and in the Student Commons.  Eating and gathering in the halls is not allowed.  Remember that ninth graders are not permitted off campus during school hours.  Violation of this rule will result in after-school detention. 

UNSTRUCTURED TIME: I strongly urge you to spend your unstructured time in the library or resource centers.  You may also spend this time in the cafeteria, the Student Commons, or in the circle only.  Please remember that all other areas on campus are considered off-limits.

ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: Your academic performance is directly connected with your ability to participate in our athletic and extracurricular activities.  At the end of each marking period, any students who failed two or more subjects will be ineligible to participate in activities or athletics for the duration of the next marking period.  Your fourth quarter grades will determine your eligibility for the Fall sports season.


ID CARDS: ID cards must be worn and visible throughout the school day.  This is an important aspect of school security.  Teachers and security guards must be presented with this card upon request. Your ID card serves as your bus pass, school library card, and meal card in the cafeteria if you enroll in the program. You must carry your ID card with you at all times.  If you lose your ID card, the cost for a replacement is $5.00.

REMIND: Please sign up for Remind to receive text message updates from me about happenings at our school.  Just text @anisis2027 to 81010 or go to and download the Remind app for your smartphone and receive push notifications. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer. I will see you on Tuesday, September 5th.




Kristen Anisis

Assistant Principal