Academic Honesty
The Paul D. Schreiber High School policy of academic honesty has been instrumental in protecting the educational rights and preserving the learning environment of its students. The policy states that any student who cheats or plagiarizes from any source, print or multimedia, will receive a zero for the exam/assignment. This could result in failure of the course. In addition, repeated offenses may also result in course failure and will be subject to the administrator’s discretion and further disciplinary action from the teacher or Chair.
Academic Eligibility
This policy connects academic performance to participation in interscholastic athletics and extra-curricular programs.
- At the completion of each marking period (quarter) an individual who has failed two or more subjects will be ineligible to participate in extra- curricular activities or athletics for the duration of the next marking period.
- Incoming 9th Graders will have their Q4 Weber grades determine their eligibility.
- Students who fail two or more courses at the end of the school year will be ineligible for sports and activities the following September.
- A student who attends summer school and passes a course or courses will be able to participate in sports or activities in September so long as he/she does not have more than one failure remaining from the preceding quarter that wasn’t passed by attending summer school.
- There may be circumstances in which ineligibility may be reviewed. In order to do so the affected student and/or their parent/guardian must request a meeting with the assistant principal.
- It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the appeal process and the appeal process must be initiated within 2 weeks of the end of the marking period affecting eligibility. Willingness to demonstrate a commitment to improving academic performance is a requirement for an appeal. Students on academic probation will have their academic performance closely monitored. They will be required to sign a behavioral contract and submit weekly progress reports. It is important to understand that a waiver of eligibility is NOT automatically granted and may be limited to one waiver in a student’s high school career.
Summer School Eligibility
Eligibility to attend summer school could be affected for those students who are excessively absent from or cutting classes. Summer school eligibility is at the sole discretion of the Principal or his/her designee.
Physical Education Guidelines
Physical Education is a participation course that meets twice a cycle. Attendance and active participation are important for achievement and grading. For this reason, the following requirements are imperative.
- Dress Code/Preparation for class: All students are required to wear physical education type shorts of appropriate length (no cut-offs, no zippers), tee shirts, athletic tank-tops, sweats or warm-ups, sneakers that secure, and socks. Shirts must be appropriate in length and follow the school and Physical Education dress code, as well as the Physical Education code whereby your midriff (or mid-section) remains covered throughout all physical activities, such as raising of the arms. No under garments (including "spaghetti straps") should be visible. No hats or jewelry (medical bracelets only) are to be worn during PE. Hair must be out of eyes for safety reasons.
- Medicals: are obtained through the Medical Office. For a one day medical, a student must obtain a note from the nurse. Long term medicals of 2 weeks or more require a doctor’s approval. For a long term medical, lasting for over a quarter or semester, a student must apply for an adapted physical education program or activity modification request. Retroactive doctor's notes will not be accepted.
- Physical Education Make Up Policy: Legal absences, day medicals, field trips (both in and out of school), rehearsals, etc., require work to be made up. Make up work can be done in other physical education classes when permissible. Students are encouraged to make up missed classes within a two-week period. CUTS, UNEXCUSED ABSENCES AND UNPREPAREDNESS FOR CLASS CANNOT BE MADE UP.
- Grading: is based on individual assessments in each instructional unit, including both skill and written knowledge, along with effort, participation, and attendance. Students’ assessments are aligned with the New York State Learning Standards for personal health and fitness, a safe and healthy environment, and community resource management.
Returning Tests to Students
The following recommendations were effective starting September 2014:
For Regents and non-Regents level classes where there are, in many instances, a suitably large number of testing resources, the formative assessments (e.g. quizzes, unit tests, projects) will be returned to the students for their retention.
This practice does not necessarily apply to Advanced Placement and Honors courses. However, these teachers will maintain the option of returning formative assessments to students.
Teachers retain decision-making rights with respect to the returning of Summative Exams (e.g. Midterms, Final Exams, and Honors projects) for students to retain. It is understood that these exams are kept on file for six months from the date of the exam.
In cases where exams are not returned to students, students and/or parents may request a meeting with the teacher for an in-person review. When such a request is made of the teacher, a meeting will be honored at a mutually convenient time.
Furthermore, teachers will inform students and parents of the return of exam practices during Open House and include it on their Grading Policy. It will also be included in the Teacher and Student Handbooks.
Assignment to Grade Level
The requirement to advance from one grade to the next is as follows:
Grade 9 to 10: Students need to earn five credits with at least two academic credits in two different subject areas.
Grade 10 to 11: Students need to earn ten credits with at least four academic credits coming from four major academic areas.
Grade 11 to 12: Students need to earn 15 credits. In addition, they have to be able to fulfill all graduation requirements by August of that academic year and must have passed at least two State examinations required for graduation.
Please note that these requirements are in addition to Physical Education.
Resource Centers
Unstructured time is a privilege at Schreiber. One option for its use can be found in our Resource Centers and Preparation Rooms where teachers are available to provide encouragement and extra help throughout each school day. These rooms can be used for homework, studying, or personal quiet time.
Schreiber offers a wide variety of assemblies and special programs throughout the school year. We anticipate that students will appreciate the time and energy that go into planning such programs and this appreciation will be reflected in their behavior.
Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines
Students using computer resources must adhere to the guidelines listed below which govern the use of our resources. Failure to appropriately use the computer resources may subject you to disciplinary action, beginning with suspension of your use privileges. Should any infraction require action beyond a warning, that action will be imposed after consultation with the student’s grade administrator. Our guidelines for acceptable use are:
- Material that may visually offend others or promotes hate, racism, etc. is not permitted.
- Students will report any use of the Internet to obtain inappropriate or offensive material.
- Material obtained and used in a manner that violates copyright law is prohibited.
- All material obtained from the Internet must be properly cited.
- Participation in “chat” groups is prohibited unless expressly authorized by a teacher for educational use.
- Students will not give out any personal information such as: name, address, telephone number, credit card number, etc. Be aware that giving out this kind of information can be dangerous to yourself and your family.
- Additional rules may apply to computer use in specific departments and areas.
Each student is responsible for every textbook issued to him/her. If a textbook is lost or damaged, it must be paid for by the end of each quarter. Detention will be assigned at the end of each semester if charges are not paid. Students will not receive their graduation diploma if there are any outstanding debts.