Parents & Students » Attendance & Absences

Attendance & Absences



Under New York State law pupils must attend school and all classes in which they are enrolled unless there are necessary causes of absence such as, personal illness, death in the family, religious observance, impassable roads, court appearances, medical treatments, and approved college visitations.


If a student is absent, a parent must call the attendance office as early as possible on the day of the absence.  Parents should call the following offices after 8:00 a.m.


9th Grade       767-5844                     11th Grade     767-5834

10th Grade     767-5832                     12th Grade     767-5836


*** Unless a parent verifies an absence as being excused, the absence will be recorded on the attendance register as unexcused or a cut. After-school detention will be assigned for cutting; continued cutting will result in suspension and possible failure of classes.

Classwork is part of a total grade. Missed work due to absence will affect grades. There are no free cuts. The following procedure will be followed for all unexcused absences from class:


1st cut - The grade administrator will assign the student after-school detention. Parents will be notified.

2nd cut - The grade administrator will assign the student after-school detention. Parents will be notified.

3rd cut - Will result in an F* for the quarter and parents will be called to schedule a conference to review the student's attendance.

The school day begins at 8:00 and classes begin at 8:05. All students are expected to be in school at that time. Lateness to school is not an excuse for missing class. If you are late, you will be given a cut for any class(es) missed.


Students who arrive at school after 11:25 (period 4) will not be permitted to participate in an after-school activity or sport for that day.


Students demonstrating a pattern of excessive absences or tardiness will be subject to a review with their parent and assistant principal.



If a student must leave school during the school day, he/she must sign out in his/her grade level administrator's office. Prior approval is required in the form of a phone call from the parent. If a student leaves the school grounds without such permission, he/she will be considered cutting and all classes missed will be recorded as cuts. Signing out during the school day should be for medical or emergency reasons only. All such sign-outs must be kept to a minimum. Parents must call in advance giving permission.



Any student who fails to maintain a record of 85% attendance for any quarter, semester, or the school year, in any class, will receive a grade of "F*" for the time period involved. This includes excused absences. This is a requirement for any credit bearing course. At Schreiber, where most classes meet four out of six days, missing 5 classes per quarter may result in a failing grade. A parent call does not erase the absence since excused and unexcused absences count towards the 85% Rule.

Students with excused absences will make up time and work in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange make-up time and work with each teacher. Failure to make-up time and work will result in a failing grade. If a student is absent for an extended period of time because of illness or death in the family, arrangements will be made for the student to make up the time and work missed, so that the 85% attendance requirement will be observed. Unexcused absences cannot be removed by making up class time.