Senior Experience Program » Overview


Senior Experience Program


All 12th grade students participate in a Senior Experience.  This graduation requirement is a student's final stage of their academic career at Schreiber.  Our program provides students with an opportunity to pursue and explore their natural curiosities through an internship, volunteer work or a career project.  Students' internships provide real-life, authentic learning and encourage further development of college/career ready skills.  Every student works directly with a Schreiber mentor to help oversee their Experience.


Students are required to have a secured internship by the end of January (end of Semester 1).  The 45 required hours begin starting Semester 2 (usually the last week in January) and end the last week in May.  Dedicating approximately three hours per week from February - May will allow students to earn their 45 hours.  Students may not be paid as part of their Experience.


Click here to read U.S. News & World Report's article on The Rise of High School Internships


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