Drama Club » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when does Drama Club meet?
We usually meet in the Auditorium at 3:15 pm on Fridays.
Main-stage vs. Drama Club?
The two main-stage productions put on each year consist of the fall play (mid-September to November) and the spring musical (mid-December to March). If you wish to know more about those, you can contact Mrs. Nelson for the play and Mrs. Foster-Holzer for the musical. Drama Club, however, has weekly meetings (dates of which can be seen on the calendar) in addition to its four productions. The Drama Club does not put on main-stage productions. Members of the drama club are free to participate in both and quite frequently do.
Does Drama Club meet during the main-stage productions?
Not generally, however there are plenty of exceptions, the Drama Club Board will notify you if there is such an exception so check the calendar and the Facebook page for updates.
What is the format of Actoberfest/ What are the Improvables?
Actoberfest usually consists of five to seven one-act plays, separated by one intermission and the Improvables. The Improvables are an improvisational comedy troupe formed by students who auditioned for Actoberfest. After every show in Actoberfest, the Improvables come out and play an interactive improv game with the audience. If you are caste as an Improvable you can not participate in a one-act and vice versa.
What is the format of Young Playwrights Festival (YPF)?
YPF also usually consists of five to seven one-act plays, separated by an intermission. Every one-act performed in YPF is written and submitted approximately two months before YPF.
How do I submit to YPF?
The deadline is around the beginning of April. All shows should run approximately eight minutes and be appropriate enough to be performed in a school setting. To submit, all you need to do is email your show to a Drama Club advisor. If you would like more details contact the Drama Club Presidents or Advisers.
How do I get on the Drama Club Board?
Drama Club Board elections are held every year in June, you will be asked to prepare a brief speech with guidelines that will be announced approximately two weeks before elections.
How do I sign up for shows?
For Actoberfest, Upper/Under and YPF, the auditions process requires that you sign up to audition. The audition sign-up sheet will be presented in Drama Club the week before and will be posted for anyone to sign up in the week leading up to auditions. All auditioners for Upper/Under, YPF and Actoberfest will be given two monologues (does not need to be memorized) to recite as their audition. For 24 Hour there is no audition process as all that is necessary is that you have a team of approximately four students sign up on a signup board that will be posted in the atrium.
How many people usually end up in each show?
In both YPF and Actoberfest there are approximately 30 actors working on six shows. For Upper/Under it is approximately 20-25 underclassmen participating as actors and for 24 Hour it is wholly dependent on the amount of people who sign up.