Natural Helpers » Club's Mission & Goals

Club's Mission & Goals

The Natural Helpers Club


The Goals of The Natural Helper's Club 

•   To develop the ability to prevent some of the problems associated with adolescence.

•   To develop the ability to intervene effectively with troubled friends.

•   To develop the ability to choose positive ways of taking care of ourselves.

•   To develop the ability to improve their school and community.

         The Natural Helpers Club at Schreiber High School in Port Washington is based on a peer-helping program that is utilized across the United States and in several other countries. At Schreiber, it primarily serves students who want to strengthen their communication and helping skills and who want to provide support to others and to their school and community. The club purpose is based on the premise that within every school an informal "helping network" exists. Students with problems naturally seek out other students, teachers and other school staff whom they trust for advice, assistance or just a sympathetic ear.