How to Research Colleges

Clarity of a match between student and school is now listed as the most important factor by college admissions officers.
Reach/Target/Safety Definitions:
  • Reach Schools - Schools where your profile is a bit below the profile of accepted students; also highly selective acceptance rates (>20%)
  • Target Schools - Schools where your profile is similar to that of the typical freshman
  • Safety Schools - Schools where your profile is significantly stronger than the typical freshman
GPA:  How does your cumulative GPA compare to that of the average admitted student?
SAT/ACT:  How does your SAT/ACT score compare to that of the average admitted student?  

Majors Offered: Does the college offer the range of academic majors you are interested in?  If you're undecided, is the college academically balanced with a range of majors and programs offered?

Cost of Attendance/Scholarship Eligibility:   How affordable is this school?  Do they offer scholarships to offset the cost of attendance?

Location:  Is the location a match with who you are, places you like, and the activities you enjoy?
Student Body Size:  How comfortable are you with the size of the school?
Campus Safety:  How safe do you feel on campus?  Have you and your family reviewed the campus safety report?
Dorms:  Is housing guaranteed?  How are they assigned?  What types are offered? What are the procedures for a room change?

Campus Life:  What extracurricular activities, athletics, and special interest groups are available? Does the community around the college offer interesting outlets?  How do fraternities and sororities influence campus life?