Application Process for Military Academy
See your counselor during early spring of your junior year to discuss criteria for eligibility and steps to follow. Your counselor will provide you with a packet outlining the steps. Starting early is essential to obtaining an appointment to an academy.
- Be sure to attend meetings with appropriate military representatives who periodically visit the Counseling Office.
- Determine whether you meet the scholastic and physical qualifications and requirements of the specific military academy to which you wish to apply. Have a good knowledge of the responsibilities and duties involved upon admission and in the future.
- Write a letter requesting a PreCandidate questionnaire in the spring of your junior year. You need a Social Security number to initiate this file.
- In the spring of your junior year, write to your US Representative (Congressman George Santos) and your two US Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand) requesting a nomination. The President and Vice President may also nominate. (You must obtain this nomination to compete for admission to all service academies except the U.S. Coast Guard Academy). Apply to all forces for which you are eligible.
- Take the SAT or ACT and have your scores sent through the testing agency to the academy.
- Obtain letters of recommendation from teachers and your counselor.
- Take the qualifying medical exam.
- Take the Physical Aptitude Test which assesses strength, agility, flexibility, and endurance. It is recommended that you train for this test prior to taking it.
- Medical exam and physical aptitude
- SAT or ACT
- Rank in class (top 25%)
- High school average
- Extracurricular activities
- Community and religious activities
- Teacher and counselor recommendations
- Honors and awards
- Nomination
- Graduation from high school
- Completion of ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)