College Planning Guide Class of 2025 » Submitting Supplemental Materials

Submitting Supplemental Materials

Supplementary materials come in assorted sizes and shapes. This is certainly the case with creative writing and visual arts pieces. The main purpose of submitting supplementary materials is to document a portion of one's life that cannot be fully presented by means of regular application materials. Some schools request that these things be submitted.

Do not abuse the process. Proceed with caution as you attempt to stack the deck in your favor. Admission folk still believe in the old adage: “The thicker the folder, the thicker the student." They become a bit wary about a folder that takes up too much space in a file drawer or temporarily throws the entire applicant evaluation process into low gear.

Be wise in your selection of materials to be submitted and in the number of submissions.


What not to send:

More than the number of letters of recommendation requested.

Documentation of scholastic or extracurricular achievement. It is not necessary to send your varsity letter to prove your athletic prowess.


What to send:

A musical performance tape that features YOU, a piece of original poetry, a small sample of artwork or a photograph of a larger sample, a newspaper article about or by YOU, and a photograph that enlarges upon descriptive text about a special project.